How To Develop Shopify Products API Integration For Software Easily

4 min readOct 28, 2023


Did you know that Shopify is used by more than one million companies worldwide, making it one of the most widely used eCommerce platforms? One of the key reasons for its success is the Shopify API, which enables developers to create custom applications and extensions for the platform.

So today, we will be providing an overview of the Shopify Products API, discussing how it works, and sharing best practices for obtaining all product data from Shopify stores. Let’s explore together!

Definition of Shopify API

The Shopify Product API is a part of the Shopify API that deals explicitly with products. It allows developers to retrieve and manage product data, create new products, update existing ones, and manage product-related information, including images, variants, pricing, and inventory.

The API also enables integration between Shopify and external applications, facilitating developers in building custom solutions, automating tasks, and synchronizing data between Shopify and other systems. With the help of webhooks, developers can receive notifications about any changes in a store’s database, such as the addition of new products or updates to existing ones. Additionally, the API provides access to shop settings and reporting information.

The Shopify API makes it easy for software developers to access data from Shopify and leverage it to drive growth and innovation. The API is regularly updated and supports XML and JSON formats, making integration with different systems and technologies effortless.

The API uses standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform different actions on products and can interact with the Shopify store through endpoints like:

  • GET /admin/api/2023–04/products.json: Retrieve a list of products.
  • GET /admin/api/2023–04/products/{product_id}.json: Retrieve details of a specific product.
  • POST /admin/api/2023–04/products.json: Create a new product.
  • PUT /admin/api/2023–04/products/{product_id}.json: Update a product’s information.
  • DELETE /admin/api/2023–04/products/{product_id}.json: Delete a product.

How Does Shopify Integration Work?

Connecting your software with Shopify is known as Shopify integration development. This process enables you to improve your product’s features and provide additional benefits to clients who use Shopify for their online businesses.

To simplify integration with Shopify APIs, Shopify provides client libraries in various programming languages. These client libraries handle low-level API interactions, authentication, and response handling, allowing developers to focus on developing the core elements of their applications.

With the Shopify API, developers can create customized storefronts with unique techniques and features and synchronize data between Shopify and other platforms, such as accounting software and ERP.

To use this integration, it is essential to have a good understanding of the Shopify API. This provides access to features such as shop settings, customers, orders, and other store-related objects.

Benefits of using Shopify API for software developers

Shopify Products API can offer many advantages to software developers who want to enhance their applications. Here are some of the essential benefits:

1. Access to exhaustive eCommerce data: Shopify’s Product API enables developers to access product information such as details, variants, pricing, inventory levels, and application images.

2. Real-time data synchronization: The Product API syncs app data with Shopify, ensuring that product details, inventory, and prices are up-to-date for a seamless shopping experience and reliable business operations.

3. Flexibility and customization: The API allows developers to tailor their applications to suit business needs. They can select which data to retrieve and how to display it, enabling them to create unique and customized solutions for merchants.

4. Integration with Shopify’s ecosystem: Developers can leverage the extensive ecosystem of apps, tools, and services by integrating with the Shopify Product API. This integration opens up opportunities for collaboration and can increase the application’s value proposition.

5. Automation and efficiency: The Product API enables developers to automate various processes, such as product creation, updates, and inventory management. This automation streamlines workflows, reduces manual effort, and increases overall efficiency for merchants using the application.

6. Seamless user experience: By incorporating product data from Shopify directly into their applications, developers can provide a seamless user experience for merchants. Users can manage their products, inventory, and pricing from a single interface without switching between different platforms.

7. Scalability and performance: Shopify’s API infrastructure is designed for high performance and scalability, ensuring the application can handle many requests and scale with the merchant’s business growth.

8. Innovative features: Developers can introduce innovative features to their applications that leverage real-time product data and create unique selling points for their software by leveraging the Shopify Product API.

How to Get Integration with Shopify

API2Cart is a service that simplifies eCommerce software integration with over 40 shopping platforms and marketplaces, such as Magento, WooCommerce, Wix, Amazon, eBay, and Etsy. It offers a unified API that lets you access data from various shopping platforms simultaneously, eliminating the need for separate integrations.

Moreover, they provide over 100 API methods to manage products, orders, customers, shipments, and categories. Developers can use multiple API methods to import product data from e-stores, systematically update orders, synchronize inventory across different sales channels, and create and update listings.

API2Cart is an excellent solution to connect your B2B software with Shopify easily. Numerous API methods are available for managing data, such as obtaining a list of orders, products, and customers from a Shopify e-store, updating order information, creating shipments, and more.

To start integration with Shopify Product API, you can get a free month’s trial account. After registering, you can add an unlimited number of your client’s stores and work with them efficiently.

During the 30-day free trial period, you can create a seamless connection between your software and API2Cart. Afterward, you can choose from various pricing options that best align with your company’s requirements.




API2Cart is a unified API provider that establishes integration with 40+ shopping carts, including Magento, WooCommerce, Bigcommerce, Shopify, PrestaShop, etc.