2 min readMar 11, 2016


Repricing System Integration: E-Retailers Competition as the Advantage for Your B2B Service

In the online retailing business, every web store owner needs to be heedful of rival prices because setting a lower price at the right time may cost rivals customer attention. The number of rivals it huge, so monitoring them and their price changes manually would be a tedious chore. That is why many e-retailers start using special software — repricing systems.

Such software automatically monitors competitors’ prices and helps merchants to set the optimal once to entice a bigger number of buyers. In the result, such strong competition between e-retailers opens a great possibility to make money on it by building a repricing system and providing a service in this field.

The issue is that in order to be able to help web store owners, B2B owner needs to retrieve information from the customers stores. Consequently, their repricing software have to be integrated with the shopping platforms their clients based their online shops on. As merchants use different carts for their web stores, it would be great to integrate with many of these e-Commerce solutions. The more platforms the software is connected to, the more potential clients it has. But every shopping platform has its unique technical specifications, and it requires the development of separate integration modules for each of them. That will be not easy because the process of elaboration is pretty complex and will take a lot of time as well as considerable effort. What is more, repricing providers need to pay a fortune to programmers for integration module development and its further maintenance.

Step by step integration with each shopping cart might take too much time to perform and at a first glance seems like not the best way out. It would be ideally to find a method to get connected with multiple e-Commers solutions at once. The more platforms, the better.

API2Cart is an online service that provides a unified API that enables you to integrate with about 40 shopping platforms via one integration. It allows to get connected to such leading carts as Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Prestashop, Amazon, and other solutions.

By performing integration of your repricing system with various shopping platforms via API2Cart, you’ll get the possibility to retrieve products and their prices from the customers’ stores and process them within your system. You’ll be able to gather all the information you need to provide your clients with a robust and comprehensive price optimization tool.

Make your repricing system, even more, powerful by integrating it with 30+ leading shopping carts via API2Cart. If you would like to ask a question, don’t hesitate to schedule a сonsultation with our expert and get a precise answer.




API2Cart is a unified API provider that establishes integration with 40+ shopping carts, including Magento, WooCommerce, Bigcommerce, Shopify, PrestaShop, etc.