What is Shopping Cart REST API and How to Integrate with It?

5 min readJul 27, 2022
shopping cart rest api

The eCommerce industry is constantly developing. Despite the fact that the competition is fierce, a lot of retailers create an online presence for their stores. As a result, a lot of software has appeared, allowing automation of some online shops’ business processes.

If you are creating such software, you know that you need to integrate with the eCommerce platforms to offer your features to online store owners, on which the stores are created. And this is the main reason why you will need to explore how shopping cart REST API works and how to develop integration with it.

When your system has more connections, it covers a larger part of the market.

However, the integration development process can be challenging due to the many platforms that must be considered during development.

In this article, you will discover popular shopping cart REST APIs and a unified API to connect to various eCommerce APIs at once.


REST APIs are an interface that conforms to the REST architectural style. Representational State Transfer (REST) ​​is a software architecture that defines how APIs work. They allow an application to interact with a resource via HTTP requests. For example, the GET request is used to get data; the POST request is used to create one; the PUT request is used to update, and the DELETE request is used to take out one. API calls allow using of all standard HTTP methods.

REST APIs can use any message format that API developers want to use, including XML, JSON, Atom, RSS, CSV, HTML, and more. However, JSON is the most commonly used file format as it is both human and machine-readable and language-agnostic.

What is Shopping Cart REST API?

With Shopping Cart REST API, the developers get access to different types of information related to the store through the REST architectural style. This type of API allows to RETRIEVE, ADD, REMOVE, and DELETE information from stores, such as orders, products, customers, categories, and so on.

Shopping Cart REST API integration means the process of establishing a connection between the program or software and the eCommerce platform. As a result, software vendors can create a number of valuable features for their systems. These include order and inventory management, product synchronization, customer management, and more.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most used shopping cart REST APIs and learn about their features.

Shopping Cart REST API Features and Examples

The eCommerce market is certainly full, which allows online merchants to create new stores without difficulty. Moreover, it is the reason for eCommerce B2B software to integrate with many shopping platforms to be competitive and meet the needs of retailers.

We will show some features of popular shopping carts REST API. It will help you understand what is needed to develop integration with certain shopping platforms.

List of well-known shopping carts REST API:

Magento REST API

The Magento REST API include many functions to send requests and receive responses. To complete tasks, such as receiving and sending data, HTTP protocol is used. When Magento calls the API, this request includes the following data elements: HTTP Headers, HTTP Verb, the URL of the endpoint and Call Payload.


The OpenCart REST API allows you to create, read, update, and delete store data using the JSON format. Requests and responses can be executed using the HTTP protocol.

BigCommerce REST API

BigCommerce includes RESTful API, which provides remote access to information about customers, orders and products. Such API allows you to manage the various types of data necessary for convenient platform work, such as orders, products, coupons, account data, etc.

WooCommerce REST API

WooCommerce REST API is an interface that allows you to access the WooCommerce store data. REST API, presented in WooCommerce 2.1, will enable you to create, read, update, and delete WooCommerce data using only JSON format. It also helps you add and remove inventory, filter orders, and more.


Ecwid API uses REST architectural style to help you access data such as store information, categories, products, etc. It also allows you to connect other programs so that they are available as own Ecwid features.

Squarespace REST API

Squarespace Commerce API provides Orders API for access to valid and completed orders, Products API for receiving and managing product lists and information, and Transaction API for access to transaction data.

All Squarespace Commerce APIs are built on HTTPS and REST architecture is used to develop them.

Shopping Cart REST API Integration

Integrating with multiple APIs of shopping carts can be challenging. The following processes are involved in API integration: onboarding, exploration, education, authentication, code samples, testing, monitoring, and sandboxing. A typical API integration project includes discovering APIs and creating, testing services for communicating with those APIs, integrating those services into an application, and then implementing the finished application.

eCommerce applications can benefit from integrating with shopping cart REST APIs. The rise of API integration services and tools has occurred in response to the needs of developers.

API2Cart provides an efficient solution to this problem by using a REST API to ensure transparent data interaction. In addition, it allows you to integrate with 40+ shopping platforms simultaneously, including such leaders as Wix, Magento, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Shopify and others.

If you provide any SaaS (Software as a Service) applications for the following spheres: inventory and order management, email marketing, mobile commerce, dropshipping, repricing system, etc, then API2Cart can improve your software’s effectiveness. It is because it offers unified API, technical support, security guaranteed by SSL certificates with a 32-symbol API key, extensive documentation and code samples.

With API2Cart, you have more than 100 API methods available to retrieve, add, update, delete, and synchronize the necessary store data, such as orders, products, customers, shipments, and more. We also provide a reliable connection, so you don’t have to worry about updating your eСommerce integration.

Furthermore, if you have any questions, problems or inquiries, we are ready to help you and answer all your questions.




API2Cart is a unified API provider that establishes integration with 40+ shopping carts, including Magento, WooCommerce, Bigcommerce, Shopify, PrestaShop, etc.